Dream Cloud Drive
Achieve your music dream
The Visual & poster Propose of H.O.T Hybrid Original Tournament
Design Concept
Staring at the Sky, observing cloud blowing wind, the fight passes by and leaves the lines of stave in the sky. White doves flying toward the destination symbolise Peace, Hope and Dream. The unlimited sky seems like a storage of cloud drive storing the dream of young musicians and artists.Idea and Experiment Process
The most graphic elements of the poster were collected from my daily life. I recorded the change of sky, cloud blowing wind, sunset and sunrise in London for one week. Interestingly, the colour of sky is changeable in every hour because of earth and sun rotation. The sky seems like a natural canvas drown by nature.

Credit list
Graphic Design | CHEN SHIH CHEN
Photograph | CHEN SHIH CHEN
Photoshop | CHEN SHIH CHEN
Photograph | CHEN SHIH CHEN
Photoshop | CHEN SHIH CHEN